
Steer clear - give ships a wide berth!

Published Thu 09 Jan 2025

Marine and Safety Tasmania has requested we issue yet another reminder to southern clubs and schools to respect the exclusion zone after a number of incidents were recently reported to them of rowing shells transiting close to the outside of ships berthing at Macquarie Point.

A MAST spokesman said the hazard has been increased given that the ships have been using bow and stern thrusters as part of their berthing.

He reports that on one occasion the skipper of a ship notified a rowing crew and coach boat of the impending hazard as the shell approached the stern thruster by yelling at them from bridge wing after unsuccessfully trying to radio the coach boat via VHF Channel 16.

Rowers and coaches, please refresh your familiarity with the below graphic and observe the rules so we can put a stop to this dangerous risk-taking.