Rowing Australia Webinars

Rowing Australia has conducted a number of Coaching Webinars on a variety of topics, Enjoy!


20th May 2020 - Rhett Ayliffe "From coaching Head of the River Gold to Olympic Gold in 7 years".

Ron Batt Interviewing, WAIS Head Coach, Rhett Ayliffe. Rhett has coached multiple Olympic and World Championships crews, including overseeing Scott Brennan and David Crawshay's Olympic gold medal performance at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 

Interview Click HERE. Zoom Password: 9v$^m@8=

13th May 2020 - Ian Wright "European Odyssey leading to Olympic Success". 

Ron Batt Interviewing, Men's Head Coach and Olympic bronze medalist, Ian oversees the Senior Men's Program at the Reinhold Batschi Men's National Training Centre in Canberra.

Interview Click HERE. Zoom Password: 3y$=4.0=


6th May 2020  -  John Keogh "My journey to the Olympics".  

Ron Batt hosted an exclusive live webinar with Women's Head Coach, John Keogh talking about John's journey to the Olympics. 

Interview Click HERE. Zoom Password: 8O.19D70